Yesterday meet Rafhan kat Dhoby Ghaut .
Dulu kite pernah kluar together jumpe kat tempat sama and we sesat.
Semalam pon sesat jugak . HAHA! Adoi !
Kelakaaar sak dekniy . Lama seh tak jumpe .
We used to go gigs with the rest .. Then semua busy.
So skarang baru kite meet up balek and catch things up .
Lepak with the rest soon ah . hahaha .
Semalam tgok wayang cite Paranormal Activity .
That movie takde lah boring . Suspend je lebeh.
Sound effect POWER gileeer . hahahahaha !
Tapi kite dapat masuk free, dapat popcorn and air free jugak.
HAHA! kecohhhhhhhh ~
Then we slacked dekat Istana Park there .
Around 10.45 i set off home . Reached home at 12plus.
Adoi~ Journey dier lamaa nye .
Alrightttt till here then .
Signing Off