Hello hello :)
It has been quite sometime i have not keep my blog updated.
Yesterday went to Botanical Garden to take some pics.
Faizul and Ahyol wanted to challenge each other. Adoi.
kecoh sia dorang. And here are some pictures from Fatin's camera.
From faizul and ahyol nye blom dapat lagi. lols.
And some pictures are my editings. hahahaha!
Yesterday was pretty tiring.
I havent slept for the whole day yesterday.
Macam anytime boleh tido. Lagi lagi cuaca panas terik. Haiyooo.
Petang2 ujan.. Spoil mood. So zaff balek lorr. Dorang continue amik2 gambar,
Zaff dah tak boleh tahan. dah penat and ngantok giler babi. lols!
Balek, mandi tros saaaaaaaaaaap tido. hahaha!
Gambar tunggu da dpt dri ahyol and faizul baru upload kat fb la.. haha!
kaylahhhh till here then.
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