Had our last class bbq yesterday .
It was really enjoyable and memorable moments.
Spend our time together for the whole day.
Not all of them can stay till the next day only eleven of us i guess.
Almost all of them turn up but still cant get the whole of them to come down .
hahahahaha, But its okay .
We really had fun though :)
And i don't mind that i fork out the most in this bbq.
Its because you guys enjoy and i enjoyed too . ^^
Aniwayyyyy ! Forgot to take picture together with all them ahhhh, ALAMAAAAK.
But after all making this bbq is a success .
Gereeek dokkkkkkk !
Here are only some of the pics. .
The rest in facebooooooook macam biase laaaa. haha!
I will miss all of theeeem laaa .
See you guyss on 18 December okaaayy !
Goodluck in your resultssss . LOVE YAAAAA !
Signing Off