Now everything is about me . :D

7797947889193710787 date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 time: 7:04 PM comments: 0 ![]() 25th Day of 2011 SUPPPS! Just came home and im soooo freaking tired lor. Today in school we learn how to shade. Very tiring. See my drawing below, seems complete but actually belom complete lagi sia tuu... ADOI ! Shading takes alot alot alot of time to get the effect nicely. Haiyaa.PENAT PENAT PENAT. Ohh yaaaa and yeay tomorrow start school at 1pm :) So besok slack abes. Pakai grey jeans. hahaha! And i have to hide myself from JIN skolah! hahahaha! :))) Friday got presentation! Alamak ! badi sia diri depan dua class pat auditorium! Siak ahhhh! Kene tunjok design kite ni... Pecah siaaaaaaaa design aku. hahahahahaha!!! Malu pe! :) KAYLAHH! I wanna watch tv . Ade citer best !! Will update again when im free kay :) hahahaha! Bubyeeeee! Signing Off ![]()
8385832970415849094 date: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 time: 10:34 AM comments: 0 ![]() 19th Day of 2011 HAIYAA! Alyph ni lambat lah. Waiting for him to kluar ni.. Meeting Khalis and Azizan later to makan for lunch. Then go school together. School starts at 1 today and end at 5.30pm. Two lesson je. Tomorrow starts at 9am and end at 11.30am.. hahaha! wah best! :))) OHHYAAA! Mom start full-time work ready. Im happy for her! :) yeayyyy! Wish her goodluck for the new job. hehe. I dont know what to update lah actually. lols! hmm.... im hungry noww. Like seriously! CEPAT LAH ALYPH! KAU LAMBAT !! hahahahaha! Aku dah siaap ni ! tskkkkkk! hahaha! kaylah short update will do. BYE! Signing Off
1018074220942882537 date: Monday, January 17, 2011 time: 11:20 PM comments: 0 ![]() 17th Day of 2011 Have not been updating for quite sometime. Busy with school. Oh my gawd.. Im so tired! Just finished my assingments. WAHLAO! Okay this picture here was taken last Sunday. There's this Life Saving activity was held at Expo so we need to go there to learn how to do the CPR. I kept laughing while doing the CPR. So funny. I dont know why. hahahaha! Was fun lah! hahaha! In that picture are few of my classmates which we did the CPR together as a group. There's two person missing actually in that picture . HAHA! But its okay. Hmm.. Okay! so just now i finished my lesson at 5pm. Went to the tampines library to borrow some basic technique drawing book for my lesson tomorrow and i reached home at 7.45pm. SO LATE HOR! Then go home still must do my assignment. Must design on paper plate, do own calender, draw and sketch and measure the fork and spoon. Penat kan! hahahaha! But i finish my work liao! Going to sleep soon. Nak update blog kejap and check facebook sahaje. hehe! Kene tido awal , kene bangun awal. Kene travel jauh. ADOI~ Tomorrow end lesson at 4.30 so i guess i'll be home around 6.30.. :)) YEAY! Can rest. But im pretty sure there's another assignment will be given tomorrow :(((( HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! haha! ohh goshh! My course is all about drawing . Enter class and draw, thats all. LEPAK PE! tapi penat sia! Salah kene erase sampai dapat betul nye measurement. hahaha! Not fun at all. -.- okay laaaaaa! Sleepy liao. Bubyee Signing Off ![]() ![]()
6709207955360560494 date: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 time: 11:37 PM comments: 0 ![]() 12 Day of 2011 SUPSSSSS PEOPLE! Today was my third day of school. Going to get used to the distance soon. And ohh yaa i've make friends with the girls in my class! Yeay! Had break for 2hours just now . From 11 to 2 . So me and my classmate, all girls go makan at nearby coffeeshop. THE GIRLS! They are actually not like what i thought on the first day of school. For most of them. Hahahaha! Somehow its true that 'dont judge a book by its cover'.. and they doesnt look like how it seems. On the first day, i dont wanna mention names here.. there's a girl who look like very arrogent and kerek but she turns out to be the gerek kind.. Another girl who always frown and not smiling back at people turns out to be actually nice only that she doesnt smile alot.. there's a girl who seems to be like ngade2 on the first day but actually she's friendly. Actually bnyaak lagi.. cos there's alot of girls in my class. ahahahaha! There's also girls who seems really nice on the first day turns out to be the step gerek and choosy.. hahhaa! There's few of them i havent make friends with yet. I mean like really talk to them.. They look pretty friendly and nice... Should go talk to them soon! And there's this philipin girl, she sooo cute her name is Patrisha! hahahaha! Really really. Oh my gawdddd im not a lesbian. Its just the fact .. And there's this girl, very pretty her name Syahirah or Syakilah im not sure.. She do accessories. Nice! She wore it on her hair today in school. My class got alot of girls .. Seriously. I used to have alot of boys in my classmate and my closefriends are usually the opposite gender of me.. hahaha! So now I have girls for my classmates and gonna be closefriends. Who knows right. hahahaha! Im gonna talk bout girls girls and girls.. Dah boring asyik laki je.. Dont worry i wont turn into a lesbian. HAHAHA! :))) Nice having them around. hahahaha! I've just finished colouring and designing in my sketch book. TIRED! im gonna sleep like now! AHAHA! okay bubyeeee bloghoppers! Love ya! :) Signing Off
5217539078278672939 date: Monday, January 10, 2011 time: 6:19 PM comments: 0 ![]() 10th DAY OF 2011 First day of school was freaking tiring !! Damn shagg lah sia. Rumah da lah jauh so have to wake up early lagi and tomorrow have to reach school much earlier then just now. Haiyaaaaa! Bus and train was packed nak mampos! But im not late for school just now . The games we had just now was tak perlu ah actually. Memenatkan je.. After the games i was all worn out. No energy liao. Have to drag myself here and there and dragg myself home... Besok ade game lagi.. ape lagi lah dorang nak buat. Cant we just sit in class ke and kenal each other.. haiyooooo... besok ade water games lah pulakkk. Rumah kalau dekat takpe jugak sia nak basah2.. hahahahaha! Yes i did make some friends there.. but when i asked their names, few minutes later i forgot their name again. HAHAHAHA! Pelan pelan lah eh.. Macam nak appeal jee kat cck. Bolehhh tak ehhh.. ke naakk stayy je also i dont know lah! Actually few of them are also from Jurong .. What a surprise. Jauhhh pegi merantau macam kite jugak ! hahahahaha! :) Tunggu lepas few weeks maybe i'll get used to it ready lah ehh.. hahaha! I'll be sleeping early today i guess. Cos tgh tahan ngantokk ni.. takut takleyy tido nanti malam ! And i have to wake up earlier than just now since i have to be in school early.. HELPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha! kaylahhhh.. very tired ahhh! nak gi rest. lols! okaaaay takecare people. Havve a nice day! Signing Off ![]() ![]()
5615063911926203198 date: Sunday, January 9, 2011 time: 3:33 PM comments: 0 ![]() 9th DAY OF 2011 Went to Fxza's birthday chalet yesterday. HAPPY BITHDAY FIZA!! Didnt get to sabo her cause she didnt bring extra shirt . Bored siaaa tak dapat sabo. hahahaha! Dier betul nye tanak kene sehh. Ngan muke kesian dier. ! Tengok pon macam kesian lah pulak ehhh! So tak jadi lah nak sabo dier..Reached there dalam pukul 10.40pm gitu.. Then we went off around 4 plus. Cos aizat have to go home and he forced my shaf to go back together with him take cab. So we went off earlier instead. But its okay.. We had fun too there. Lots off laughter .. make new friends.. Kecoh sia dorang.. lols! Satu satu sumer dah songsang. dahhh sear! hahahahahaha! Adoi~ ohh but i didnt drink or smoke lah ofcos. im clean. :)) hee! im free of those. There were like "ehh tak minom?" ofcos not. Goodgirl what.. They are nice , easygoing and friendly. yeap! But actually i didnt talk much there. HAHAHAHA! Because dorg sumer dah trip nak bobal ape. hahahaha! But was shock to see rez and rozainey kat sane.. They came late. Singapore kecik , everyone knows each other.. right right? :) Hmm... why am i not 18 yet ? Lama betol. yesterday was Dash Berlin's event. Ohhhh gawdddddd :(((( Im sooo jealous didnt get to go.. Nevermind one more year to go !! WOOOO ! My birthday coming :) 2 Feb !! YEAYYY ! And and ohhhhhh tomorrow starting school liao !! Im sooooooooooo scared and nervous right nowwww!!! Arghhhhhh ! Gonna charge my phone so im not gonna be bored tomorrow in the train .. Long journey huh.. :( haishhh! What to do.. Bear with it zaff ! ARGHH TAKUTTT !!! lols! kkeh relekk relek... hmm. now waiting for mom to get back home.. So hungry. Going out to makan later :) LAPAA SIHHH ! kaylahh will blog again tomorrow bout my frist day of schoool !! hahahaha! kay bye :) Signing Off
920504625406069594 date: Saturday, January 8, 2011 time: 1:09 PM comments: 0 ![]() 8th DAY OF 2011 Hello manusia! Makin lama i dont know what to blog about ready but still nak blog jugak. Okay! So today's plan is going to Fiza's birthday chalet with Shaf and Aizat. Going there at night and going back at 4am. Taking cab home tomorrow. hmm.. OH MAI GAWDD! Two fucking more days im gonna start new school ! TAKUT! SERAM! hahahahaha! Kene carik kawan pegi sesame ahhhh.. Takut ah nak gi sorang. Chey penakut sia zaff! But im glad to know that there's still someone i know in that school . So still ade familiar faces jugak ah.. daripade takde. Kalau zaff skola ITE CCK confirm lagi banyak familiar faces. hahahaha! bagus jugak ah skola jauh jauh.. hahahaha! And my sdare si Syafiq tu dah plan nak kacau zaff :( hahahaha! Alaaa klau dier kacau step dunnoe ah ehh.. step tak kenal. HAHAHA! macam, " eh? asal sia ngan dier, salah org pe?" hahahaha! Cheyyy plan dulu. Kalau dier baca ni mampos zaff kene kacau lagi rabak confirm nye! haiyoooooo ~ im soooo scared.. Teringat masa sec 1 dulu first day of school . Memorable giler! Tak pernah lupe feeling tu.. and this monday im gonna have that feeling again! Ahhh shit ! Do you guys feel me? im sure you do~ Everyone will have the same feeling bile first day of school.. kankankan ???? heee :) Shaf tgh kat BBDC amik FTE dier.. she have to pass her FTE bfore taking FTT. Actually zaff tktau tadi baru dier bilang. hahahaaha!! Actually tak perlu ah cakap pat blog ni. lols!! Kaylahhhh! Blog agaian tomorrow i guess ! :) takecare bloghoppers :)) Signing Off
8016733947633412024 date: Friday, January 7, 2011 time: 12:19 PM comments: 0 ![]() 7th DAY OF 2011 Tgok gambar tu muke baru bangun tido! Belom mandi lagi ni. hehehe! and with my favourite baju batik :) HAHAHAHA! Gonna bath soon! Nak blog dulu. Hmm.. I think i've made a decision for my school thing. I'll just stay at Ite Tamp for two years then for higher nitec baru transfer ITE Cck. So i'll just stay for this course and will try to do well for it. Just go ahead. Sometimes in life we cant always expect to get what we want, we have to do something different and do our best for everything that we do.. and it's definitely true that life is always unfair. Always! :) hahahaha! So now i get the course that i dont really want , but its okay... that doesnt mean i'll do badly in that course. Nowayyyy! im gonna do my very best. :) GO ZAFF ! haha.. okayyy! I dont know what to do today. Serious sak. Wanted to buy uniform dulu pasal nanti on monday nanti cam ramai sangat orang nak beli beh macam irritating gitu ah. hahahaha! Tapi takde teman ni nak gi beli uniform! Haiyooooo! Everybody is working! Kecohhhhhhhhhh dan sedehhhhh! =( hahaha!! Tunggu monday je lah eh... haishh ! Susah betul ah skola ni... tskkkk! So kene go rounding and find white shirt and black pants for my first day of school.. aiyoooo maaaaa! since 2011 i always blog about my course, school ehhhhh... hahahah! kaylaaah i dunnoe what to blog about ready lahhh ! smpai di sini je kay ! ok bubyee! Singing Off
2534016609537009151 date: Thursday, January 6, 2011 time: 8:22 PM comments: 0 ![]() 6th DAY OF 2011 Went to the interview at Ite Tamp just now and guess what ? I got the course :( .. Visual Communication! I passed my drawing test . But sadly faizul didnt get it. Pity him. He's the one who wanted this course not me. JAUH DOK NAK TRAVEL ! Tak sanggup . Went out from house at 6.50am and reached there around 8.35am. It took more than an hour to travel from house to school. Maybe i'll get use to it soon with the far distances.. Ohhh gawdddd! :'( ! And my first day of school will be this coming Monday ! In 4 days time. Yes MONDAY! Im not prepared at all ! Havent buy my uniform, havent get new beg, new shoes and stuffs .. But first day tak payah lah nak uniform, pakai white shirt and black pants je. But im scared im the only one who wears that. LOLS ! Then everyone will look at me like, " eh dekni sesat pe?" HAHAHAHA! Malu pe! Ohh gawd ! Just hopefully im not the only one lah eh! Seraaaaaaam jie ! New school, new friends, new environment! Tapi macam tak sabar lah pulak eh! hehehe! :) I'll update about my first day of school ah okay on Monday? hahaha! I'll promise you that! haha! Today me and faizul went to Ite Tamp, then we went to Tamasek Poly, then to Ite Dover to ask for appeal to another school but sadly we both cant :( then to Singapore Poly to sebok sebok go for the open house. hahahaha!! Sebok eh? eh biar ah! hahahahaha! But Faizul seems so dissapointed. Like seriously. I feel sorry for him but just hopefully he'll get better course on 11Jan! All the best! Yesterday Suhaili msged me like finally ! I've been waiting for her to msg me all this while and really i missed her alooot and i feel like crying when i read her msges. So sweet lah my bestfriend ! Awwww! Rindu gileeer! hahaha! Okay lahhhhh sampai disini sahaja. Cheybahhh ! kay bye semuanya! :))) Signing Off
6439910341058661583 date: Wednesday, January 5, 2011 time: 12:52 PM comments: 0 ![]() 5th DAY OF 2011 Wahhh sibei ! Today get posting results but not confirmed yet. I have to attend for the interview tomorrow at 9am. What the hell . I get Visual Communication at ITE Tamp and it's my ninth choice . How cruel can they be by giving me my second last choice. Saddd ! :( I have to attend it for like two years. When after my friends go to Higher Nitec i'll be the second year of Nitec? ARGHH ! Noway . I'm gonna appeal for tourism tomorrow after the interview at ITE Tamp. It's so freakin far. From west to east then back east to west. WADOI ~ Jauh tuuu ! And I get the same course ngan Faizul. So we both have to go to the interview. Muke dier lagi. LOLS! I wanna go ITE CCK please ! Asal lah susah sangat untuk aku dapat tourism ni ???? SIAK AH !! Aku tak kesah ! hmph ! Tolong aku please. hahahaha! Chey aku cakap ni step korang bleyh tolong je eh ! hahahaha!!! Haiyaaaaa~ Im gonna try my luck one more time tomorrow. Ni time kene turon HQ dier . Aku tak kesah ! Marah ni marah ni. Da lah dattym aku tak dapat skola! tskkkkkk! Mainkan prasaan aku betol ah orang orang ITE ni . siak tol ! hahahaha! Abey besok nye interview pon macam merepek je.. kene draw draw beh kene bawak penciil 2B eraser sumer. ape ciite sia interview gitu macam? hahaha! Drawing skills aku pon dahh rabak. Dah lama tak practice. Art aku dulu A2 dok ! hahahaha! Tapi sape sia nak ni course? ohh noway. im soooo gonna appeal. :) Daritdi aku cakap nak appeal nak appeal. kkehhh ! This Saturday birthday celebration Fxza kat chalet. lols ! :) ton ke tak eh? haiiiyaa. tgok lah camne... haiya! k bye! Signing Off
5386022352403482202 date: Tuesday, January 4, 2011 time: 1:14 PM comments: 0 ![]() 4th DAY OF 2011 Here's the picture from Haqeels' camera. haha! ok go! :) I'm still worried about my school posting. I've not been lucky even once in 2011. Too early to say eh? hmm... I just hope i get Tourism or maybe i'll just take Traineeship course or what lah. See lah got a lot of things going in my mind ready. I'm just afraid... HELP! ^^v haiyaaa~ nehmind lah. I'll go and appeal again if i still never get school on 11Jan . Will discuss with my parents again. Adoi~ Okay so what am i going to do today eh ?? Maybe i'll just stay home and rottt i guess. Nothing to do today also what. No plans somemore. haishhhhhh! I feel so useless now. :'( So i'll be sitting infront of the comp all day. I hope not. Ohyaaaaa! There's this guy who ask me out, mepek sak. Lucky he told me his plans first. Eh no, lucky i was the one who ask for the plans. LOLS! He wanted to have romantic dinner and then sit by the sea and ROMANCE with me? WTH ? ROMANCE?!! Who do you think I am? A whore ? Fuck you. Lucky im a person who take care of my pride. If you wanna do the romance romance thing, sorry, go find other girl. I don't like it even if it's just a lil romance or whatever. I STILL DONT LIKE!! Cos i find it something disgusting and criticizing . hahaha. Hmmm.. I'll stop here. Will post again soon or maybe tomorrow :) hee! BYE Signing Offl ![]() ![]()
3944376932342124027 date: Monday, January 3, 2011 time: 2:54 PM comments: 0 ![]() 3rd DAY OF 2011 Here's the picture from Tira's phone. Siket je tak banyak. Ade lagi pat fb tak upload kat blog . After the 3rd day of countdown, im missing the fun ready. Rewind please rewind please! LOLS ! It's not gonna happen aniway. hmm.. Birthday in ONE MONTHS time. Yeaaaayy ! :) Hopefully i get school before my birthday. It will be one of my birthday wish to get in school early . No April intake please? Helpppppppppp! And ohh hopefully i get Tourism or Office pleaseeee ?? Arghhh ! Help me help me help me ! Adoi~ kay lets forget about it. hmm.. Gonna go town later on meet Naz and Hisham. Hahaha! It's raining ! ohhh gawddddd ! Stop raining please ? haha! Im gonna have bad hair day kalau hujan . Serious tak bedek! hahaha! My hair depends on the weather. LOLS! Cheyy! :) Mama tengah fetch Danish kat bawah block kat skola dier ! Tak saba ni ! Rindu dierrr laah. hehe! :) My friend nari start skola. WAH SEC 5! First day of school eh?? Harap korang enjoy laaa in school. Rindu seh korang sumer! iishkkkkkk!!! ^^v . Ehyaa March got event. ehh ehh ! Kaylah i think im gonna siap first. Bubye ! Signing Off ![]() ![]()
4180309463163346945 date: Sunday, January 2, 2011 time: 4:34 PM comments: 0 ![]() Hey bloggers :) First thing, I wanna wish you guys Happy New Year! Yeay! 2010 passed really fast and i did enjoyed myself the whole year. My best year ever :) A lot of things happened this year and i just cant describe how pleased am i . So now, 2nd day of 2011 , a new beginning and a new chapter and of cos its not gonna be a new me. I'm gonna be myself and forever will . :) Secondly , I enjoyed my countdown even though my sis and her bf did spoiled our mood for awhile. They fought infront lots of people and decided not to party with us. Kinda sad but then we just go ahead . Let them settle their stupid problem first and meet us later on . :) The spoiled mood thing lasted just for awhile before we entered Scape. Everything changed after we entered. hehehehehe ! It was freaking ENJOYABLE ! Had fun. :) AWESOME! Didnt took a lot of pictures cos we totally busy partying with the blast music. WAH BEST ! Macam nak rewind balek countdown tu... :) The picture above is from Aubrey's camera . Waiting for picture from Haqeel's cam , Aizat's phone and Tira's phone as well ! LOLS ! The party ended ard 4am but we didnt wait till it finished. haha. Ohyaaa! We went to ION before going s]Scape. It was awesome only that kat sane banyak foreigner . Ohhh gawdddd ! But who cares ? Selit selit masuk tengah teros rave rave and rave ! hahahahaaha! Kecoh sia! Best! :) Kaylahhhhh! Till here then ! HAPPY NEW YEAR !! ^^v Signing Off
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4 November 2011 Atlast remembered my blogger passw... Random shits - Nurul Zafirah Bte Norhadi My model shoot - Sheikh Muhammad Syafiq c: 28 October 2011 2 September 2011 Friday Night, i lazy to write an... 1st September 2011 Today is the third day of raya... 29 August 2011 A day before Aidilfitri c: Went to... 14 August 2011Went to Japanese Garden to take some... 13 August 2011Went to Geylang with family. Bought ... |
[[ BABES AND DUDES ]] ♥IKAAAtwinny♥ ♥SHAFFF♥ ♥Fxza Kxtten♥ ♥ANNA ♥AZYAN ♥Diian ♥EenaShawty ♥FATIN HAZIRAH ♥FYZA ke ai ♥IZA ♥MICKIEEE ♥Miimye Sewel Nadiah ♥NANABARNEYYY Niselle ♥RHYNA ♥SHALEEN ♥TiraDARLS ♥ACAPcet ♥Acun ♥ADLI ♥Ahchai ♥Ahtoi ♥AIE ♥AIZATcantello an dumdum ATOI LISZT ♥AYUL ROMIE AZLAN AZZRUL ♥DANNY SANCHI ♥FAIZZIN FA RU KA Photography firdaus ♥FICKK H.A.F HAIQALpernicious ♥HAZIQstoint ♥HYRUDEbenben Superboy Haiqal Yusoff ♥IRWAN shah MIRZA ARIFFIN ♥REZ Yan Astro ♥YaNtOi ♥YAYAT SANCHI ♥ZHARIF |
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