19th Day of 2011
HAIYAA! Alyph ni lambat lah. Waiting for him to kluar ni.. Meeting Khalis and Azizan later to makan for lunch. Then go school together. School starts at 1 today and end at 5.30pm. Two lesson je. Tomorrow starts at 9am and end at 11.30am.. hahaha! wah best! :))) OHHYAAA! Mom start full-time work ready. Im happy for her! :) yeayyyy! Wish her goodluck for the new job. hehe. I dont know what to update lah actually. lols! hmm.... im hungry noww. Like seriously! CEPAT LAH ALYPH! KAU LAMBAT !! hahahahaha! Aku dah siaap ni ! tskkkkkk! hahaha! kaylah short update will do. BYE!
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