Now everything is about me . :D

4443407351424235937 date: Sunday, February 20, 2011 time: 5:19 AM comments: 0 ![]() 20th Day of 2011 Hey:) its 5:23am and im still wide awake. Sister is snoring away. Wonder what she dreams of now. lols! hahahaha! Im kinda bored :) Ohyaaa after i bought my contact lenses with 250 degrees which actually mine is 300 degress, but i can see it clearly still, i feel likeeee WOW I DONT HAVE TO SQUINT MY EYES ANYMORE. Awesome right. hahaha! And wearing spects are like so fucking irritating. Now I can just see anyone standing at the end of the canteen. :) hahaha! I like it now. :) Okay i have alot of assignments to be done. Seriously. But im short of time. So i'll just do 50% of it. Issit okay? haha! I think so. Atleast i tried to finish it up. right right??? HAHA! You know, on Friday, i entered the wrong class. OMG! hahaha! Embarassing but it's okay, everyone makes mistakes right and everyone cant really remember everything. :) Hehehe ! ^^v You know, my life has become this boring ever since school has started. I just feel like everything has changed and i cant believe i say this" I MISS ENJOYING 'LIFE' " . I just feel like im pretty useless now and i live in this world for nothing. Every weekdays, i wake up in the morning, go to school and go straight home. Reached home do assignment then facebook and go to sleep. Weekends, sleep late wake up late, facebook and go makan with parents. Where's my going out with friends anymore??? I MISS THEM ALOT :( haiyaaaaaaaa! SEE NO LIFE! sad right. Maybe i should work. right? yaaa i think so. :) hahaha. okay now is 5:40am, i think that's all for now! I dont know when i'll blog again. But i will! no worries, heee! ok bubyeeeeeeee! Signing Off <3
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11th Day of 2011SUPSSS BLOGHOPPERS :) Been 5 days ...
6th Day of 2011Yesterday went to photoshoot with H... SUPSSSS YOU ALL .5th Day of 2011This was taken on ... 25th Day of 2011SUPPPS! Just came home and im sooo... 19th Day of 2011HAIYAA! Alyph ni lambat lah. Wait... 17th Day of 2011Have not been updating for quite s... 12 Day of 2011SUPSSSSS PEOPLE! Today was my third ... 10th DAY OF 2011First day of school was freaking t... 9th DAY OF 2011Went to Fxza's birthday chalet yest... 8th DAY OF 2011Hello manusia! Makin lama i dont kn... |
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