Now everything is about me . :D

4056032428685554736 date: Saturday, July 30, 2011 time: 4:25 PM comments: 0 30th July 2011 Home sweet home c: Stayed home on Saturday cos its been so long that i've never stayed home the whole day but, im kinda bored actually . Haish haish! Takde keje sebab tu amik amik gambar merepek kat rumah. Mendak mendak mendak! Adoi ! Macam kempunan oreo cheesecake ngan durian ah. Chisss! hahaha! Im soooo boredddd! Tomorrow working :c tired! Pastu monday dah puasa! Going to buka outside with friends cos we need to go to esplanade for night shoot. Haish haish! haha! okaylah till hereee then! Will update again. bubye! Signing Off
8632136310795860577 date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 time: 8:46 PM comments: 0 ![]() 27th July 2011 Hi hi hi ! :B I was late for my lifeskill lesson again today. Asik lambaaaaat je aku ni. Maklumlah, tinggal jauh kan, hujung tanjung tak boleh dipersalahkan. hehe! Cannot be blame. Lols c: Design Principle class was freaking tiring lah. Even though we just sit there and do photoshop from one to five but it's kinda stressful. haish haish! Im not pretty good at photoshop. Easy said, im not good at it actually. hahahah! So it's hard for me. Well, previous assignment i did well for my postcard, it uses photoshop as well, but i did good. Get A's for it. baik kapahhhhh! This is all luck lah. This time i think it's not my luck. I just dont have the mood to do it. :C cheybah alasan! hahaa! c: Ohyaaa! Fasting month is coming in few days time. Kinda worried bout it actually. Hehehehe :P Insyallah bolehhhh! ainkkk! This Friday im working, weekends working. Pretty tiring and boring. But well what to do! Daripade melepak dan merayap merata rata puas hati kerja. Betol takkk? hahahaha! Next monday, which is the first day of puasa im not schooling. Soooo happy. But we will have night shoot at Esplanade. c: Haishhhh! Macam macam! okaylaaaah! will update again! Bubyeeeeeee! takecare bloghoppers. Signing Off ![]() ![]()
5225996375264526516 date: Monday, July 18, 2011 time: 8:08 PM comments: 0 18 July 2011 Hallu, havent had enough sleep ever since i've start work this past few days. Been busy lately. Didnt update my facebook much also. hahaha. This is my first time working in retail management. Well, actually im glad that i got this job cos the pay is quite okay . much much better than my first job. But ofcos lah my first job was about 2 years ago. What do you expact to get a good pay during my 15years old. Lols! Impossible much. hahahaha. I'll be working on Friday's and both weekends. It's true that i wont get to spend time with my family anymore during weekends but still it doesnt mean that i dont get to spend time with them during weekdays. Right? haha. I'll get used to it and maybe will manage my time well sooner or later. hmm.. I just cant wait for holiday, can work full shift everyday and besides that can meet Arliph lorrrrr. c: hahaha! People have been asking me about my relationship status with him.. well, we've been dating for nearly 3 months. Not long but insyallah who knows. c: hahaha. I've got nothing else to say. haha. Will update again next time okaaaay! BUBYE! Signing Off ![]()
5464581482324506991 date: Sunday, July 17, 2011 time: 12:14 AM comments: 0 comment? |
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4 November 2011 Atlast remembered my blogger passw... Random shits - Nurul Zafirah Bte Norhadi My model shoot - Sheikh Muhammad Syafiq c: 28 October 2011 2 September 2011 Friday Night, i lazy to write an... 1st September 2011 Today is the third day of raya... 29 August 2011 A day before Aidilfitri c: Went to... 14 August 2011Went to Japanese Garden to take some... 13 August 2011Went to Geylang with family. Bought ... |
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