Now everything is about me . :D

4518238316396300709 date: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 time: 2:29 AM comments: 0 A day before Aidilfitri c: Went to ArtScience Museum at Marina Bay Sands in the morning. Met Arliph after that around 3pm. We buka at FarEast. Went to The Cathay after buka to watch Final Destination 5 around 9:15pm! Wanted to watch it so badly! hahaha. Awesome and gory movie. But the best thing is, i get to spend time with him on the last day pf puasa. I loikeeeee. :P hehe. Took 502 home from town. Reached home almost 3am. Was a great day i can say. And it will always be. c: Ohya! I bought new Vans shoes. Maroon colour. hahahaa! I just love maroon when it comes to shoes. I dont know why. It just suits me better i guess? lols! c: okaylah done here! Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Signing Off
6155916274341456847 date: Monday, August 15, 2011 time: 2:24 PM comments: 0 ![]() 14 August 2011 Went to Japanese Garden to take some landscape for my photography assignment. The due date of it supposed to be today but then it drags on cos today got another night photoshoot at City Hall, for the second assignment . So will buke at home then at night meeting them lor. Leceh but what to do. Have to. hahahaha! c: A short update only lah kay. hahaha. kaylah till here then :P Signing Off
1071017627982011561 date: time: 1:07 PM comments: 0 13 August 2011 Went to Geylang with family. Bought baju raya for the first day only. Have to go there again to buy another pair. Haish haish. Sakit hati masuk sane. Muke dari ada senyum terus muke binget. Da lah panas. Adoi! Before we go Geylang, we went to Bedok North to atok house for buke. It's been awhile tak jumpe atok, so since everyone is free on that day, im not working also, we visit atok lah. He's so happy when we visited him that day. I kinda miss the feeling of going out on weekends cos i've been working for a month on all weekends. Sekali sekale je dapat kluar weekends. Next week also working. Haish! Malas nak keje, tapi nak duit macam mane eh. hahahahaha! Susah ah ni macam! :P k dah tkde topic nak bebual . So sampai di sini sahaje lah ye. c: hehe. K BUBYE. Takecare. Signing Off
3768175003217736393 date: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 time: 7:03 PM comments: 0 9 August 2011 National Day. Went out with Arliph as per usual.. Tengok bunge api but actually bunge api every year same je takde beze pon. Saje je nak tengok. hahaha. Marina packed nak mampos. panas giler. Tapi yang penting dapat spend time ngn Arliph. hehehe c: He's the only one i've been spending all my freetime with. Yes we're together but it's just that we dont have that official date for being together. Cos i dont believe in that anymore. As long as we're loyal with each other im happy already. Memang pelik tapi benar. haha. Im already happy with him . That is the most important of all . c: haha. okaylah im done here! Signing Off |
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4 November 2011 Atlast remembered my blogger passw... Random shits - Nurul Zafirah Bte Norhadi My model shoot - Sheikh Muhammad Syafiq c: 28 October 2011 2 September 2011 Friday Night, i lazy to write an... 1st September 2011 Today is the third day of raya... 29 August 2011 A day before Aidilfitri c: Went to... 14 August 2011Went to Japanese Garden to take some... 13 August 2011Went to Geylang with family. Bought ... |
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