Now everything is about me . :D

9103072491059392704 date: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 time: 10:46 PM comments: 0 ![]() 17 May 2011 Hey ho, second update for the day. Okay update about today lah okay. So basically today is a public holiday, Vesak Day. So yeay! hehehehe. No need go school ! Happy okay! :) Went to the Zoo with Faizul, his mom, his brother and his brother's girlfriend. Was supposed to wake up at 6.40am cos i know i siap very lambat and i like to waste time. But end up i woke up at 7.30am. My alarm clock being such a badass today.. tsk! Faizul was the one who woke me up at 7.30. haha! The best thing is I have to meet his bro's girlfriend at 8.15am. So i rushed like fuck and yah lucky i was on time. In fact earlier by 5mins. LOLS! 5 minute pon nak kire eh. hahahaha! The weather is being nice to us. I loike. So after the zoo thing we went to bowling. Last minute plan. I dont really like bowling but takpe lah kan. Terpakse actually. but i had fun. hahaha! Was really a tiring day. Back to school tomorrow. And yahh i got loads of assignments to do. Cos i missed out alot of things cos i was sick and didnt come to school for nearly a week. AWESOME. Now not awesome ready. Now i die -.- help please anyone? hahaha. Pictures will upload soon okay. Takecare people! Enjoy your day! c: Signing off
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13 MAY 2011Hey bloggers, it has been a long time s...
09 March 2011Sorry didnt update for quite some tim... 20th Day of 2011Hey:) its 5:23am and im still wide... 11th Day of 2011SUPSSS BLOGHOPPERS :) Been 5 days ... 6th Day of 2011Yesterday went to photoshoot with H... SUPSSSS YOU ALL .5th Day of 2011This was taken on ... 25th Day of 2011SUPPPS! Just came home and im sooo... 19th Day of 2011HAIYAA! Alyph ni lambat lah. Wait... 17th Day of 2011Have not been updating for quite s... 12 Day of 2011SUPSSSSS PEOPLE! Today was my third ... |
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