2nd June 2011
Firstly, i wanna wish HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my parents ! Insyallah you'll both stay strong no matter how big or small the problem is, i hope you guys will forgive forget and give and take to each other.. Insyallah. :) okay! So just now went to Ayam Penyet Ria for dinner with parents. It's been sometime we went there. Sister biase lah kluar ngn bf . lolololol. c: I was freaking bored at home the whole day you know. HOW SAD! :'c Lucky at night got plan. hehehe. Tomorrow maybe meeting Arliph. ^^, Ohyaaaaa! I need to find a job. Cos my holiday gonna start soon next Tuesday and i'll be dead boring at home. Right right? so yahhh! Have to really find one. hmmmm... we'll see lah okay. I'll update again soon alright? this is just a short update for today. hehehehehehehe! love youuuuuu all. lols!
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