Now everything is about me . :D

1084476217586580561 date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 time: 3:33 PM comments: 0 GOLEKgelekGOLEKgelek .! Didnt attend to school today . My headache is killing me. ii feel giddy when ii get up from bed . . feel like vommiting . den ii go mandi .. mom tell me not to go to schoool since im not feeling well . so called faizul to tell not to wait for me. but he didnt answer my call . conferm masey tgh tdo . so ii go rest first . . den when bgon jekk tgok time daa 12plusss.. hahah .! naakk bilang Faizul pon daa too late . so wake uppp do own stuffs den mom gave me hot lemon drink . tkk sdapppp .Vitamin drinkkkkk ... mom cook porridge for me...thankyouuu mom .! Mom sayy that ii fall sick its bcos ii lack of rest . tktawuu plakkk eyyyyy..hohohoho. okayyyy 3more days to weekend. !whoooo`! hahahahahaa. Chemistry tukarr class siaaaa.. daaat fuck face teacher teaching me.pffffttttt.! Eng and CE ponnnn form teacher yg teach .! sial uhhhh .sway uhhh! ART.! ade org matsalehhh pompan tue yg will guide us! whoooo~! hahahaaaa..kkehhh golekk .! MY PIMPLE IS DISSAPEARING..!!whooooooo~~ gembire dokkkkkkkk . hahahaaha.! celebrationnnn time common.! LOLS.!wanna meeet bby sooon. ii misssss himmm truckloadssssss. and and II LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU and ii mean it. .*winkk* baby... The reason why ii wann uu to kuwa baju is bcos.. ii love you . it will hurt me more by seeing uu getting hurt . ii cant bear to see uu like that . ii noe to uu ,uu think that uu wont get hurt bcos ur side is like 'relek' nyer kind. and got less of fighting . and also to uu if like even tho uu didnt fight ppl will also find fought and will end up fighting with them .. uu cant think that wayyy laa biy. . ii seriously dunnoe how to explain to uu wadd ii wanna say . but its okayyyyyyy . . uu got great brains..uu can think wisely ..am ii right ? hahaha . ii noe uu noe daat masok baju is not the right thing to do. im not forcing uu tuhh kuwa now. . ii noe its hard for uu .. but hopefully sooon ..without uu being hurt by them . ok bby ?ILOVEYOU! okayy currently chatting with baby now. He sayy ii got H1NI ..bcoss im sickkk .!pfffftttt.! siakkkkk tol .!hahahaha.. kkehhhh done updating poeple. bbyeeeeee chibai .. takecareeeee bby .!!! IILOVEEYOUUUUUUU!
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PUTYOURHANDSUPP !First day of school was quite oka...
IILOVEYOULAAAAAAIKELSEPIT !Yesterday went to Yishu... Plan kuwa withh bby taak jdy .! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOM .!.Happy 44th Birthday Mothe... SECONDDDDDD POOOOOST .!BOREDboredBOREDboredBOREDbo... WAINKKKKEBABOOOOOM !Yesterday's planned was suppos... WOOOOOOOOOTTSSS !Todayyyy maybe sitting at home th... WAINKOOOOOOOLOLIIEEEEE .Woke up at 11. .called bby... HELLOWWWWWWWWWW .Did notink much the whole day .Wo... B-O-R-E-D to the bangBANG to the Boogie to the Sex... |
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