Now everything is about me . :D

8652868675052712602 date: Friday, July 3, 2009 time: 10:56 PM comments: 0 IILOVEYOUBABYDOGGY.! WHOOOOOOO~! get to meeet bbylove todayyy.! meet him at cityhall ard 5plusss . bull was with him. whooooooo~! rindu siaa bby.! hahaha.. den went to meeet bby nye frennn . walked to Marina Square . dorg nak maen poool. so yeahhhhh . they played till 8..den go mkn pat KFC . toook some picture . . denn rushed home. . was supposed to reach home at 10..but im late. ard 10 maseyy pat jurong east bus interchange with bby. hahaha..biyy called my mom and talked to her . tell her daat we'e still there and taak sempat nkk reach home at 10.. hhahahaa.! whoaaaaaa braniyy uhh dear talk to my mom. hoho.! paaat dlm bus kechoo sia biy . we tickle2 each other smpai bby terlanggar the person next to him. HAHAHAHHAA,.! kekek laa siaaa . lols.! but the person smiled..cos he pon understand yg kite tgh playy2. hahaaahaa.! bby still tkk dpt see my ezlink card.!BOOOOOOOOO! try harder next time. . HAHAHAHAHA.! dunnoe when will be the neext tym meeting bby again. and and im gonna missssss him ALOOOOOTTT.! ii misss him ready . hahahaaaa.. pictureeess with bby. will upload sooon. lols.! kkehhh iilove you babylove.! ok go .!! MONDAY holidayyyyy ..whoo~! baekkkk uhhh.! hahaha. . kkehhh ii joined tarian mlayu with my sis . PUTERI SATRIA is the group name . got practice every sat from 12 till 4 ii guesss. not sure . dis groupppp slalu joget kude kepang pat org kawen.. and escort pengantin . niy yg bukan kene sampok2 kind . hahaha..dis is the normal tarian . LOLS.! kkehhh cant wait lahhhh . hoho . kkehh dunnoe wadd to write lioawwww.. ii hadd funnnnn meeting bbylove . whooooo~! kk takecare cibong. and bbylove.iloveuu lahhhhh kay!
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GOLEKgelekGOLEKgelek .!Didnt attend to school toda... PUTYOURHANDSUPP !First day of school was quite oka... IILOVEYOULAAAAAAIKELSEPIT !Yesterday went to Yishu... Plan kuwa withh bby taak jdy .! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOM .!.Happy 44th Birthday Mothe... SECONDDDDDD POOOOOST .!BOREDboredBOREDboredBOREDbo... WAINKKKKEBABOOOOOM !Yesterday's planned was suppos... WOOOOOOOOOTTSSS !Todayyyy maybe sitting at home th... WAINKOOOOOOOLOLIIEEEEE .Woke up at 11. .called bby... |
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