Now everything is about me . :D

4600342573455537801 date: Sunday, August 9, 2009 time: 10:53 PM comments: 0 SATURDAY ! Went to kenduri at Pasiris . Met my cuzzies . rinduuuuu ! haha . Apit was there too . i slacked with him behind the house at night after the whole thing . cos we dunnoe wad to do animore. haha . then cuzzie joined us after a while . After apit and fam went home we watched movies . We stayed behind at cuzzies house till the next day . unexpexted . unplanned . We were watching movies . And so we decide just to continue watching and have a movie marathon for the day . Watched four kinds of movies . but end up the last movie we were asleep . hahah ! Woke up at 10pluss. watched tv , bathed and watched another movie . Planned to go out with cuzzies but end up tak jady . Cos uncle send us home ard 7.30 and its like we're ready late . so canceled our plan . Sorry Yayat and Ahchai ! he was like really really happy when i say that im coming down . but end up its canceled . Sorry to my sdare Apit jugak ! next tym kuwaa yer samer2 . haha. ouhhh and didnt get to meet bbylove . i wanna see his new hair . and one more thing ... I MISS HIM ALOOOOT ! dunnoe when i'll get the chance to meet him . hopefully soon ayye hunny ! Reached home ard 8.30 . Now im bored. heee~ Not sure when bbylove will be back . haha . okay nevermind . I love ya hunny ! done updating .! |
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