Now everything is about me . :D

4295028561334357062 date: Friday, August 7, 2009 time: 6:00 PM comments: 0
about the email thing im just joking .cant u see im smiling when i say dat . Go ask him urself if u want his email .as if u got no mouth to ask ! i didnt even pester u for cash . i only asked if u have any money still in ur bank account . i asked u . its not dat im forcing . am i right to say that . i was joking about asking ur boiffy about dat wad . i told u ready . i said : mintk aizat ah.. u said : eyh piker aizat ape . i said : taklaa maen2 jek lah . haha . See. ! and u take it seriously . okay now about clothes . Its not my idea of doing that . u urself knows whose idea is daaat . i only said i'll charge . but did i ? did i take any single cents from u ? no i didnt . and u still havent change ur attitude by having the habbit of asking permissions . if u asked .. will i lend it to u . YES i will . i told u bfore . Who's the one is not being understanding here ? me or u ? think ! okay about the sheshaaa. ! u've quit shesha ? but u did smoke sheshaa on dat day with me. remember ? and whose idea of going there ? me or you ? who decide to go there ? i only asked u to accompany me go Bugis not sheshaa. but ur the one who suggest to go there . So am i doing the wrong thing by bringing in ur name ? THINK again ! YES i complained because you never eat at home . if u think bout it .. is it a complain or im being kind ? think properly . yes u miss ur dinner . and yeah it bothers me . cos i care for u . i cant be straightforward to ask u to eat . cos u'll shout at me for that . so by that i changed my way of talking and not telling u starighforword . and it sounds like..complain . i noe. u can tell u've already eaten . need u shout ? No. hey . are u being kind to me or im being kind to u ? ur always shouting at me even tho i did notink wrong . but did i shout at u back ? no . Change ur attitude . if u change . we'll be cool . trust me . Its because u are hot tampered doesnt mean u can shout at anione whenever u like . i respect u dats why i didnt shout at u back . u seldom hear me shout at u even tho u did smtg wrong or either ur the one who starts the fire . Yes its true everyone has limits to its patience . Then do u think dat i can stand with ur behavior ? no i cant. but i tried my best sis. cos im trying to think postitve about u . and u .. trying to think all the negative about me . i can list down all my unhappiness towards u . but i wont . cos it'll bring ur name down . and i wont do that to u . and u are always bringing my name down . telling ppl my negatives . i dont mind . cos i dont care bout ppl judging or saying the negatives bout me . Nowayadays ur always alone . and it really bothers me. bcos we are usually very close. and now the opposite . even tho we are very near but we are still very far . okay this is wad u do EVERYDAY ! Reached home ard 9+ .. go into ur room . play laptop . when i talked to u even for few minutes or seconds.. u say im bothering u . hey ! we're siblings. do u even noe that we're siblings ? probably not animore . cos ur busy with ur boiffy now . and busy doing ur own stuffs . u noe, now i understand u NOTHING ! NOTHING AT ALL ! u think that its not important for me to noe bout u animore. bcos u have ur boiffy to understand u now and then. u just think that im being a busybody or wad stuffs. but actually im not . i just want to noe ur update . and so i still noe something bout u. even a little . okay sis. ur just thinking for urself . YOU AREE PROBABLY BEING SELFISH ! do u realise that .? GUESS UU DIDNT .! think sis ! its not wrong for me to be childish with u rite sis ? need i behave infront of u ? or being formal to u ? i irritate u cos ii ned ur attention sis . dont u noe dat .? even tho i got friends out there to entertain me, its different from u . siblings entertainment is way diff sis . i dont care the others . i just need u to be with me and its enuff for me . ur my one and only siblings i have . why must u do this to me sis ? haishhh ! |
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