Now everything is about me . :D

9173255445440422733 date: Saturday, July 4, 2009 time: 9:47 PM comments: 0 UPDATING AGAIN BAYBEHHH ! I'll get bored by sitting infront of the comp for too long. Datts why ii update till two times per day sometimes..due to my boredness. ii got setie admirer . and bby was like keep saying "darah mengirap shiow".. hahahaa...! funny lahhh he.. not to worry kayyy bby. ! ur my one&oni..lols ! bby love to list down anione who likes me..pfffft ! hahaha..and he keeeps disturbinggg me bout thaat somebody. Somebody was downhearted with my behavior.. tooo badddd lorhhhh..cant do anitnk bout daaat.. and for the 9month silent guy...ur too late. ii admire bby aloooot ! only bby can make me *melt* hahaha.. II LOVEE YOU BBY.! cant wait to talk you later.! whooo~! okayyy baby asked me to plaan for the next outing. but im nott going to plaan for it beybehh.HAHAHA ! toooo badddd.. ! dunnoe when will be the next tym meeting bby. ii love him alooooot ! okayyyyy my post will be likeee keeep saying ii love him. ahahaha. !! bcosss ii lovee him ! ..and ii lovee him more day by day .. ii cant help it.LOLS. ! hahahaha..ii find bby sweeet like chocolate ! ii want nobody nobody but you bby ! LOLS. ! kkehhh going offline ready ! byeee sayaang !
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I LOVE YOUU TAWU !Woke up at 11:55am tdy .Yesterda...
IILOVEYOUBABYDOGGY.!WHOOOOOOO~! get to meeet bbylo... BOOOOOOOOOO!SOMEBODY SAY MY BLOG IS DEAD.!SOMEBODY... GOLEKgelekGOLEKgelek .!Didnt attend to school toda... PUTYOURHANDSUPP !First day of school was quite oka... IILOVEYOULAAAAAAIKELSEPIT !Yesterday went to Yishu... Plan kuwa withh bby taak jdy .! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOM .!.Happy 44th Birthday Mothe... SECONDDDDDD POOOOOST .!BOREDboredBOREDboredBOREDbo... WAINKKKKEBABOOOOOM !Yesterday's planned was suppos... |
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