Now everything is about me . :D

6106986814759387904 date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 time: 9:05 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() WEDNESDAY ! Went to school with the usuals .Lessons as per normal . After school , ii had to do my CIP . its at the Christian School . only 7 of us went there . That school isnt a normal school . The kids there has financial problems and bad family backgrounds . like example their dad went to jail , drug addict and stuffs and no one to take care of them . So they went to dat school to study and make friends. Pity them . they are still very very young and they cant enter a normal primary school like we used to go . When ii reached there ii was unsure whether we went to the right school or not cos that school looks scary from the outside . its like a very deserted place . We went in . to one of the room .. or maybe so called classroom ? haha . One of the workers brief us about the kids there . Pity the kids lah . sad.! Most of their family looked down on the kids . they bring them down . haish .! Most of the kids attitude there is very very notty . we must be very very patience with them. I looked around the place and read the kids letters that were paste on the wall . they wrote '' I LOVE U DAD, how i wish ur with me now '' .. ''Hopefully u will be back soon dad ''. ''I LOVE U MOM '' ..there's alot more. when ii read that ii feel like crying . haha. they are just 10years old . and below . young ritee. Get to teach two of the kids there . Syazwany and Shafa . both of them are really really sweet . After teaching them,talked with them,joke with them and then ii have to go .. Syazwany asked me..''Why u have to go?Cant u stay?Will u teach us again? '' .. how sweet .! They touched me . ii felt like crying..ii took picture of them for memories. ii kept thinking of them..till now . they have a very cute behavior. ii love them ! haha. and ii miss them ! I really had fun teaching them both . no regrets ! lols .! .... I miss hunny alooot. Seriously . havent met him for ready more than a week . isnt daat long ? lols. ! haha .. wo ai niyyyyy.! hahaha.! see uu soooon .! .... |
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