Now everything is about me . :D

1561478237930628562 date: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 time: 7:48 PM comments: 0 DUMDUMDEEDUM Yesterday talked to bby till 3am .. he was sleepy but he didnt admit . pfffftttt ! sentiase tak akan admit ! lols. ! Today woke up at 6..met Faizul ard 6.44am at my bustop. pity him hari2 kene jalan from his house to my bustop areaa. lols. ! called bby in the bus at 7 using Faizul's hp. Reached school, lesson starts . . B-O-R-E-D . dats all ii can say bout school . haha. ! but too bad still need to attend all lessons and study . Tdy ART lesson play with clay . Sway sia..ii got the harder clay den the rest . WAPIANGEY ! daat matsaleh teacher still can say..."ii feel pity for uu.." hahaha ! wahlaowww. ! LOLS. ! apejekk lurhhh . Everyday in school ii kept counting days to weekends and going home time . ahahaha .! lagy2 klaw da last lesson happy gyler laa sia . okay tdy reached home ard 3..bathed den sis called. She asked whether nak mkn pat Gilare or not pat CausewayPoint . ii anitink lahhhh . Took bus to Woodland . Saw Fiq in the bus . for long tym nvr see him uh.. He changed alot . useed to lepak with him since Primary school . haha ! saw one of bby nye brother working paat MacD. haha ! saw Ahtoi there tooo with two other girls . one of the girl asked if ii got friendster or waddd. bcos she say my face familiar . After daaat me and sis went to IMM . buy thumdrive there . Went home after daaaat . reached home ard 7.15pm.. Called bby and his sleeeping . Let him sleep lahhh . kesiaaan bby penaaat skola yer. ! hahaa.. ii got Maths hmwk to do . but ii dunnoe if ii want to do ... or jus ignore the hmwk and just listen to the teachers scoldings tomorrow. see how lurhhhh ! hahaha .! two choices beybehh .! ii dunn mind the scoldings and detentions . but conferm bby will ask me to do . but see howww...... hehehe .! *evil laugh* Kkehhh done updating lahhhhh . hope to meeet bby sooon laaa kayyyy ! ii misss uu laaa gonjol .! HAHAA ii love youuu .! takecaree. chiaowsssssssss !
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LOVE MY IKEL GONJOL .!The post below dis is specia...
HELLOBLOGGERBAYBIES .!Yesterday slept ard 5.30am.S... Ok post number four .! hahaha.! this shows how bor... Today ii find myself very rajen to post till 3time... Just finished eating..and my stomach is like fucki... Mom wass pissed of bout something .She keep naggin... UPDATING AGAIN BAYBEHHH !I'll get bored by sitting... I LOVE YOUU TAWU !Woke up at 11:55am tdy .Yesterda... IILOVEYOUBABYDOGGY.!WHOOOOOOO~! get to meeet bbylo... BOOOOOOOOOO!SOMEBODY SAY MY BLOG IS DEAD.!SOMEBODY... |
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