Now everything is about me . :D

1628255891104578209 date: Sunday, July 5, 2009 time: 3:00 PM comments: 0 Mom wass pissed of bout something . She keep nagging and nagging . Actually its bcos she's doing some spring cleaning in her room den ii sit infront of the computer like nothing is happening . ahahaha ok ii noe im bad .! haha ! Today maybe sitting at home the whole day . or maybe fnd som plans or wadd. not sure .! ii wanna watch movies. hmm..dunno ey .see how lurh .. ii dun admire movies dat much . so yeahh..see how. Currently chatting with APEK.! haha..he just joined cutting . iishh ! dekniy eyy ..mcm2 beb!! bodoh to the bang2 2 the boogie to the sexaye sia joy ! haha ! known him for quite a looong time uh . Goodluck for ur upcoming prac aye pek .! OKOK ! bby is busy working at kampung mlayu. Dowan to disturb him lurh . ouhhh and ii misss him badly. ! LOLS. ! meet uu soon kayy biyy ! II LOVE YOUU SAYANG ! its planned liaow . oni the day im not sure . okay im going out to buy food for lunch . chioawwwsss !!
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UPDATING AGAIN BAYBEHHH !I'll get bored by sitting...
I LOVE YOUU TAWU !Woke up at 11:55am tdy .Yesterda... IILOVEYOUBABYDOGGY.!WHOOOOOOO~! get to meeet bbylo... BOOOOOOOOOO!SOMEBODY SAY MY BLOG IS DEAD.!SOMEBODY... GOLEKgelekGOLEKgelek .!Didnt attend to school toda... PUTYOURHANDSUPP !First day of school was quite oka... IILOVEYOULAAAAAAIKELSEPIT !Yesterday went to Yishu... Plan kuwa withh bby taak jdy .! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOM .!.Happy 44th Birthday Mothe... SECONDDDDDD POOOOOST .!BOREDboredBOREDboredBOREDbo... |
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