Now everything is about me . :D

1160764574751056217 date: Monday, July 6, 2009 time: 10:26 PM comments: 0 LOVE MY IKEL GONJOL .! The post below dis is specially for SHAF to read . hahaahaha .! okok II MEET BBYLOVE TODAYYYYYYYY ! Whooooo~! kinda misss him sia. Reached Bugis ard 4plus. . den wait for bby and Fahmy . Lambaaaaatt .! okay neymind. skali skale . haha ! Wait for them near topman . So played game on my hp . den Ong tegor me .! daa lmer tk nmpk siaa dektu ! bfore that tererempak with someone unexpected . he's going jamming with his band members . his face like kinda sad when he walked to me . mcm kesiankan laaa pulak . but cant do anitnk bout it . den bby came after awhile .! WHOOOOOO~~!!! Den jalan2at Bugis. Haziq came after daat . saw Lin and Bhabi . den saw Tira and Fynn .. hahahaha .! We went to pennin after daat . den Raffles.. walked back to Bugis and go makaaan . after eat jalan2 den go back . teman bby go cut hair near my area . pfffft ! he terpakse cut hair. wahhlaowwww. .but neymind. hair can growww. ! LOLS ! and make sure ur two stripe growww back fast ! HAHAHA ! den bby send me home. thankyou bby. ! ii love youuuuuu .. jumpe uu sooon kkehhh ! LOVE UUU LAAAAA SAYAAAANG ! hahaha .. okayyyy golekkkk ! my folder all GONE. ! gmbr all ilang .! ccb tols. ! kkehhhh neymind.. chioawwwwsssssssss ! loveloveee Muhd Haiqal Bin Muhd Yusoff deeply.!
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HELLOBLOGGERBAYBIES .!Yesterday slept ard 5.30am.S...
Ok post number four .! hahaha.! this shows how bor... Today ii find myself very rajen to post till 3time... Just finished eating..and my stomach is like fucki... Mom wass pissed of bout something .She keep naggin... UPDATING AGAIN BAYBEHHH !I'll get bored by sitting... I LOVE YOUU TAWU !Woke up at 11:55am tdy .Yesterda... IILOVEYOUBABYDOGGY.!WHOOOOOOO~! get to meeet bbylo... BOOOOOOOOOO!SOMEBODY SAY MY BLOG IS DEAD.!SOMEBODY... GOLEKgelekGOLEKgelek .!Didnt attend to school toda... |
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