Now everything is about me . :D

1747060722373147691 date: Monday, July 6, 2009 time: 2:08 PM comments: 0 HELLOBLOGGERBAYBIES .! Yesterday slept ard 5.30am. Shaf was scared bout smtg ..her bf told her ghost stories ii guess. . Dunnoe why she like suddenly scared. takpernah sia she . She's much more brave den me . Den yest is like the opposite. She always dgr misteri jam 12 sorg boley . beyy part bbl ngan bf mcm tkot plakk. alamakk ! ngade2 plak seyh dektu . So accompanied her her and there . ii was kinda sleepy..tot of sleeping in my own room on my comfortable bed . budden she asked me to teman her in her room while she's talking to bf . Wapiangey ! She talk so damn fucking loud . . how am ii supposed to sleep .. ii tried not to listen to her conversation budden ii just cant avoid it .. ii told her to lower down her voice afew times but it didnt work. and end up she began to scold me . So ii tried many ways to sleep. but ii just cant . Shaf is too loud. gahhhhhhhh ! Ard 4plus ii shifted t my room cos ii cant stand animore . Tkkn nak wait for her to finish her convo den baru tdo .. so went to my room and sleeep. baru nkk tdo she disturb me . asking for charger ..after that ii got difficulties sleeeping . SHAF MUST TRY TO LOWER DOWN UR VOICE LAAAAA OKAYYYYY !
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Ok post number four .! hahaha.! this shows how bor...
Today ii find myself very rajen to post till 3time... Just finished eating..and my stomach is like fucki... Mom wass pissed of bout something .She keep naggin... UPDATING AGAIN BAYBEHHH !I'll get bored by sitting... I LOVE YOUU TAWU !Woke up at 11:55am tdy .Yesterda... IILOVEYOUBABYDOGGY.!WHOOOOOOO~! get to meeet bbylo... BOOOOOOOOOO!SOMEBODY SAY MY BLOG IS DEAD.!SOMEBODY... GOLEKgelekGOLEKgelek .!Didnt attend to school toda... PUTYOURHANDSUPP !First day of school was quite oka... |
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