Now everything is about me . :D

1801118739170141814 date: Saturday, July 11, 2009 time: 11:48 PM comments: 0 YAAAABEEEDAAAAABIEEE. ! Yesterday meet bbylove. Went to MarinaBarrage . meet bby ard 5pluss. cos we didnt want to miss the last bus from Marina Bay like last time. hahaha. ! so we meet earlier this time . So yeahhhhh . get to go there .WHOOOO~ but the best part is that get to meet bbylove. ii lovee him baybehh ! wo ai niyyy lahhhhhh oie . after go Marina Barrage we walked to Raffles den to CityHall. ate ice-cream there . bby blanje . HAHA ! kkehh den go Marina Square bby nk go eat . ard 8plusss we set off from there.. Reached home ard 10pluss. thankyouuu bby for sending me home .! waited for bby to get back smpai tertdo. haha ! so yest didnt talk to bby . boooo ! =(( Today woke up ard 11plusss. . Faizul ajak go teman him go SimLim repair his laptop . meet him pat bus stop ard 3. watched kude kepang first. hahaha ! beeessst ! but tgk skejaap jekk ! HAHA ! so yeahhh teman him . den after that went to gig at Fad Media with Ika , Fir and Arynn. Faizul went home .. cos he got silat mahh. Ikaaa wore exactly the same as me. We oni janji the longsleeve shirt but lastlast sluar pon same. and the bag oso ! hahahaha ! siaksiakkk . . malu siaa ! mcm uniform ! HAHA ! This tym gy gig zul tkde.. so mcm abit bored without him . make new frennns. haha . *wink* set off from there ard 8pluss.. lari paat ujan siaa. ! memalukaaan .! ikaaa nye pasaal uhh niy . pfffttttttttt ! Reached home ard 9plusss.. siang eyyy ! whoo haha ! kkehhh now waiting for bby to get back . wanna talk to him later.! MISSS HIMMM ALOOOOOOOT ! LOVE BBY JUGAAAAAAAAAKKKKKK ! hahaha ! kkehhhh naak upload gmbr ! -
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LOLS.!KONIKKKKCHIWAAA.Yesterday slept very early....
JENGjengJENG .Just came back from school 30mins ag... DUMDUMDEEDUMYesterday talked to bby till 3am ..he ... LOVE MY IKEL GONJOL .!The post below dis is specia... HELLOBLOGGERBAYBIES .!Yesterday slept ard 5.30am.S... Ok post number four .! hahaha.! this shows how bor... Today ii find myself very rajen to post till 3time... Just finished eating..and my stomach is like fucki... Mom wass pissed of bout something .She keep naggin... UPDATING AGAIN BAYBEHHH !I'll get bored by sitting... |
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