Now everything is about me . :D

405379188773089507 date: Sunday, July 12, 2009 time: 4:31 PM comments: 0 YEAYYYYYYYYYY ! Daddy's coming back todayyyy .! Fetching him at the airport tonight. WHOOO~! misss him bnyk2 seyhh.! haha.!! Get to eat Popeye later on. whoooo~! im hungaaaaryyyyyyyy . lols .! now waiting for mom to get back . She bought for us dunnoe wad bread uhhh.! whoooooooo~~ sodaaaaaaaapppp ! saaap ! HAHAHA .! Bby now at work pat bedokk . Same tmpat ngan yayat ! hahaha ! siaksiakkkk . Yesterday talk to bbylove till 3.. supposed to put down ard 2plusss.. he drag and drag den he go sleeep . pfffffftt .! II LOVE UUU BBY ! ALOT very MUCHHHHH .! HAHAHAHA.! biyyyy tkmo jeles eyy tgk gmbr2 niy sumer.! haha.! im BOREDDDDDDD lahhhhhh deyy . going to siaaaap sooon .! father's coming bacckkkkkk.! but tak best nye is daaat ii wont be able to go out daat often . cant talk otp with bby till late late morning.. and ade lagy2 lahhh. pffffttttt .! goood thing is daat ii got smone to accompany me .! ii wont be alone at home . HAHA.! baek uhhh.! whoooooooo~! and ii get some SOMETHING from dad.! WHOOOO~! LOLS.! kkehhhhh done updating readyyyyyyyyyy .! BYE !
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YAAAABEEEDAAAAABIEEE. !Yesterday meet bbylove.Went...
LOLS.!KONIKKKKCHIWAAA.Yesterday slept very early.... JENGjengJENG .Just came back from school 30mins ag... DUMDUMDEEDUMYesterday talked to bby till 3am ..he ... LOVE MY IKEL GONJOL .!The post below dis is specia... HELLOBLOGGERBAYBIES .!Yesterday slept ard 5.30am.S... Ok post number four .! hahaha.! this shows how bor... Today ii find myself very rajen to post till 3time... Just finished eating..and my stomach is like fucki... Mom wass pissed of bout something .She keep naggin... |
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