Now everything is about me . :D

7700242913574602694 date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 time: 9:04 PM comments: 1 BOMBOMCHAKKK ! Updating ! Someone says my blog is dead . Its not dead okay . Definition of 'DEAD'......not updating for months or years . pffffftttt. ! Anihow oni that guy . Must start to think what to update ready . and I will be like thinking till my brain gets tired just to blog for thaat GUY . HAHAHA ! okay currently chatting with him . LOLS ! ... During art lesson in school just now, I had small conflict with my ikaaa poopy . its because she's just doing things on her own way. and what she did is wrong. so im trying to correct her . but i failed . i just let her do anithink she wants. She did something to me .and thats when she realised her mistake . and she actually did notice whenever im with her there's always somthing will happen to me. and its because she's the one who cause it . She apologised to me . My tears was coming out i dont blame her at all. because i love her like my own younger sibling . even though she's very irritating , rude , harsh , ego and stuffs .. i will always will give in to her no matter what . its proven . ask her . haha ... She still cant forget what she did to me just now . so actually she decide to give me offline msg when i appreared offline just now . So sweeet of her ! She apologised again even though i said its okay alot of times . but i noe this is not going to be the last one. she'll do it again .haha ! kaan ikaaa? HAHA ! aku dah knal ngan prangai kau .. hahaa ! aku sayang kau okay ! ... The 'GUY' who im reffering to up there who says my blog is DEAD is my beloved hunny . yang paleng sweeet dalam dunie niy. haha ! Wo ai niyyy lahhh ! hee~ i must try to throw away my... 'Ade pergi..ade balek' thinking.. but how eyhk ?HAHAHA ! if takley tuhh tktawuuu seyh camner ! haha . kkehhhh done updating ! take care humans ! i love you hunny and ikaaa poopy syg ! haha.. ...
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HELLOOOOOOOO !Happy Birthday to Muhd Haiqal Bin Mu...
Im sorry hunny for making our day such a disastrou... HELLOHOLLAWoke up earlier then yesterday .walked t... Having art for two hours tomorrow . Yeayyy ! Get ... Sorry peeps for not updating for few days.I was bu... WEDNESDAY !Went to school with the usuals .Lesson... SATURDAY !Went to kenduri at Pasiris .Met my cuzzi... HEYYYY I've been thinking enuff of my problems .i ... Im VERY dissapointed with myself .Okay sis since t... TO SHAF !about the email thing im just joking .can... |
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