Now everything is about me . :D

1782041315128984317 date: Saturday, August 22, 2009 time: 11:23 PM comments: 0 HELLOOOOOOOO ! Happy Birthday to Muhd Haiqal Bin Muhd Yusoff ! 22.08.09 May your precious wish come true kay syg ! ii love you and will always do . MUAAAAHHHH ! haha ! ... Yesterday meet Aizat and bbylove at Arab st . went to Zamzam to fill our stomach . Aizat's family was there. Thanks to his sister who treat us makan .! haha. Kenyaaaang ! Ard 7plusss we set off from there . Went to somewhere special .HAHAHA ! SPECIAL KAPERH ! hahah ! then went to Bugis Juction .. to make bbylove a surprise. Somehow bbylove already suspect something by our reactions and movement. and its freaking obvious. hahaha ! pfffffffft ! not fun ! haha ! Bought cake for bbylove.. Cant cut that cake . cos that cake just came out from that freezer and its hard to cut .. hahaha .. ! Bbylove and Aizat send us home . Reached home ard 11.05 pm. heee~~ thankyou hunny ! First day of PUASE ! Woke up at 5. ate cereal and bread . drink tea . haha ! den went to bed again . Woke up ard 2plusss . LATE rightt ? haha ! Managed to fast for one whole day . and hopefully for the rest of the whole month . Ate nasi ayam penyet for buke. sedaaaaaaaap ! ahaha ! Went to IMM after that . go to Giant buy stuffs for this month . Took taxi home . something funny and stupid happened . WAHLAOW . stupid taxi driver. PFFFFFFT ! haaha ! nevermind lahhhhh . LOLS ! kkehhhh cant wait to talk to bbylove later . haha ! ii love himmm ALOOOOOOT ! its like .... ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT hahaha !!! ok done. love you hunny. Takecare peeps and lovely hunny !
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Im sorry hunny for making our day such a disastrou...
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