Now everything is about me . :D

3503745052692103014 date: Thursday, August 20, 2009 time: 9:33 PM comments: 0 Im sorry hunny for making our day such a disastrous . I didnt mean to throw any vulgarities on you . and im sorry . Its just that today some problems are hitting me . and i just dont know how to solve it on my own. i was worried sick about my sis . and i got another problem with you . and its just making me stressed out . I need someone to help me on my sis and aizat . cos im not strong enough to help them . I need you to be on my side hunny . it seems that ur not here with me . and its okay . I waited for ur call or msges till im asleep . check on my mobile when i woke up . still there's no sign of you. it makes me sad . Wondering if i should text you or not . after awhile decide to text you . cos i feel im missing somebody in my life . but now we're cool right ? i missed you . and i love you . ... How many times do we say something that we immediately realized was not the right thing to say? How many times do we look back on an event and think, if only I had.... How many times do we do something that we wish hadn't done? You can't change what has been said. You can't change a past event. You can't change what has been done. Do you call it regret, sorrow, repentance? Do you think about what might have been? Do you relive an event the way it should have been? Forget about regret, and focus. Focus on today, not on the past. Focus on what you can do, not what you didn't do. The only thing to regret is living in the past The only thing to feel sorrow for is not living each day to the fullest. The only thing to do to repent is to sincerely say, I'm sorry. .. Im sorry hunny ! |
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HELLOHOLLAWoke up earlier then yesterday .walked t...
Having art for two hours tomorrow . Yeayyy ! Get ... Sorry peeps for not updating for few days.I was bu... WEDNESDAY !Went to school with the usuals .Lesson... SATURDAY !Went to kenduri at Pasiris .Met my cuzzi... HEYYYY I've been thinking enuff of my problems .i ... Im VERY dissapointed with myself .Okay sis since t... TO SHAF !about the email thing im just joking .can... NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATIONSWent to school with the u... Changed my mind about the spammers in my blog. it ... |
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