Now everything is about me . :D

3513203199629263989 date: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 time: 11:28 AM comments: 0 Hello STALKERS ! its been quite a long time you've waited for my UPDATE ! hahaha ! Tag me lahh if you drop by at my blog. so i know you viewed my blog. hee~ MONDAY OUTING ! Yesterday was effing awesome . get to meet my bbylobe ! whooo~ Met nana first at Jurong East .. waited for hunny and Ahchai at Raffles Place .. Waited for them smpai kaki lengohhh beb .! hahaha ! Then got this woman walked infront of us holding Soya Bean ice-crem . FUHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! hahaha ! After awhile they came .. Einn,Danny and smallboi was with them . Walked to LauPaSat for buke . Ahtoi, Eyfa , Fana, Falil , babycine , Suri , Lin , Mimi , Bull, Haziq was already there . .. that pakcik at the LauPaSat potek sia . HAHAHA ! tsk3 .. After eating we walked to Marina .. Gyler ahh dorg lari2..haha ! Haziq berpeloh mcm mandi . LOLS ! Elle , Danny's friend came .. Anto came after that.. Meet Eena, Lina and Meera at Marina . miss them alot .! took some pics at Marina steps . they played pool after that .. Set off from there after awhile .. Hunny send me home . Thankyou hunny.. Kaki cramp perh ! AHAHAH ! kesiannn dok ! =))) Reached home bathed , lie down on the bed.. waiting for hunny to reached home. atlast tertido . Read his blog he said he called me.. ii dont realised that uu called . hahaha ! neymind neymind.. ahahah !! .. ... Havent planned outing with schoolmates . They keep on asking me to plan on it . alamak ! lecey ahh korg .! hahaha ! You all plan ii follow. kaan best ! senang siket ! heee~! kkehh see how it goes..
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OMM OMMM SIM SIM POM PRAAK !Today went to school w...
HAPPY 3rd MONTHSARY HUNNY270509Thankyou for the vi... BOMBOMCHAKKK !Updating ! Someone says my blog is d... HELLOOOOOOOO !Happy Birthday to Muhd Haiqal Bin Mu... Im sorry hunny for making our day such a disastrou... HELLOHOLLAWoke up earlier then yesterday .walked t... Having art for two hours tomorrow . Yeayyy ! Get ... Sorry peeps for not updating for few days.I was bu... WEDNESDAY !Went to school with the usuals .Lesson... SATURDAY !Went to kenduri at Pasiris .Met my cuzzi... |
[[ BABES AND DUDES ]] ♥IKAAAtwinny♥ ♥SHAFFF♥ ♥Fxza Kxtten♥ ♥ANNA ♥AZYAN ♥Diian ♥EenaShawty ♥FATIN HAZIRAH ♥FYZA ke ai ♥IZA ♥MICKIEEE ♥Miimye Sewel Nadiah ♥NANABARNEYYY Niselle ♥RHYNA ♥SHALEEN ♥TiraDARLS ♥ACAPcet ♥Acun ♥ADLI ♥Ahchai ♥Ahtoi ♥AIE ♥AIZATcantello an dumdum ATOI LISZT ♥AYUL ROMIE AZLAN AZZRUL ♥DANNY SANCHI ♥FAIZZIN FA RU KA Photography firdaus ♥FICKK H.A.F HAIQALpernicious ♥HAZIQstoint ♥HYRUDEbenben Superboy Haiqal Yusoff ♥IRWAN shah MIRZA ARIFFIN ♥REZ Yan Astro ♥YaNtOi ♥YAYAT SANCHI ♥ZHARIF |
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