Now everything is about me . :D

867318096559776318 date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 time: 10:46 PM comments: 0 YAHHHOOOOOOOO Congratulations to Farhan Shah ! He managed to get in to the top 12 . YEAY ! Voted for him for a few times. hee~ Not a waste of my effort for supporting him. lols ! WHOOOOO~ will continue on supporting you ! *Wink* FARHAN SHAH !!! whooo~ yeay ..! ..... A buzzing bee or a flying cockroach ! came from the balcony .. it disturbed me when im watching Singapore Idol . pffttttt ! keep on running away from it. HAHAHAA ! scary dokkkk ! =)))) ... After school just now .. attend to the progamming thing. A 'TEACHER' called a ruler.. 'LULAR' A TEACHER ! HAHAHA ! hahaha !! keep on disturbing her without her noticing it. hahaha !!! Can't stop laughing.. expecially AnaJAY ! hahahah ! tsk3...lamer2 dah bocui seyh . but that teacher still cant figure it out why we are laughing like hell . hahhaa ! pity that teacher lah . always kene disturbed by us. haha ! no joke no fun mahh . we are just making our class happening . eykh eykh ? HAHA ! ... okay my BBYLOBE survey laa kaan.. dunnoe from who he steal this survey. HAHA ! cheyh ! ok go ... 1.How many exes do you have? & What are their names in order. 1st to last. - ONE ! Syafeeq 2.The longest relationship? - 4months ajer . 3.The most you had done with ur ex? - hmm.. secret ! 4.What is the name of the person you're in love with? - muhd haiqal bin muhd yusoff !!!
5.How far do you intend on going with her/him? - forever and ever ! 6.How far do you love her/him? - hmm ..only ii knows.. 7.What do you think about her/him? -sweet,lovely,adorable,thoughtful,charming,outgoing, the most greatest person i've ever met ! 8.Who is much more taller? -pffttt ! him ! boo ! HAHA! 9.What's in your mind right now? - thinking what tme he's going back ? 10.Lastly, what do you wanna say out loud & do? -II LOVE YOUU LAHHH OI AND WILL ALWAYS DO ! and no one will steal uu away from me okay hunny. ! hahaa ! ... okay done updating ! yeay ! hunny just msged me.. he's in the bus otw home ready . whooo~! okay take care people. guddnite && sweetdreams. ! PUASE OKAY ! lols ! |
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OMM OMMM SIM SIM POM PRAAK !Today went to school w... HAPPY 3rd MONTHSARY HUNNY270509Thankyou for the vi... BOMBOMCHAKKK !Updating ! Someone says my blog is d... HELLOOOOOOOO !Happy Birthday to Muhd Haiqal Bin Mu... Im sorry hunny for making our day such a disastrou... HELLOHOLLAWoke up earlier then yesterday .walked t... Having art for two hours tomorrow . Yeayyy ! Get ... Sorry peeps for not updating for few days.I was bu... WEDNESDAY !Went to school with the usuals .Lesson... |
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